Today I am going to write a blog that I’m sure some will think is preposterous, and will shrug it off. But before you do, please read the entire article. There are 2 ways to do the music business:
1) The slow way: It takes years and years of being alone, hard knocks, door knocks, and unreturned calls and then if you're lucky you may find success.
2) The accelerated method: You will still have to do a lot of the above. The difference is you won't be doing it alone, and it will be so much more enjoyable, plus you will reach your destination much quicker and arrive fulfilled.
I remember the beginning of my journey into music land, some 25+ years ago when my favorite song was me me me. Everything I did was for me and about me. The word narcissist comes to mind. Well, after a lot of hard knocks and head banging and broken relationships, I arrived at my destination. However, when I got there I was all alone, and an empty vessel. Believe me it’s not worth it. How can you be at the top of your industry and be miserable? Try my old method it works great!
So you're thinking, what is this new method? It’s very simple! The quickest road to success is helping someone else get there. How so you may ask? I’m glad you asked! Remember, “Dream Together”. The road to success can be very challenging and lonely. Doing it by yourself is brutal! So don’t!
Here’s the deal. Everyone has something to offer, no matter where you are in the continuum. As you begin your journey you will start meeting like minded associates. If you share freely with them, they will begin sharing freely with you. You will make friends that you can walk together with on your journey. They will meet other like minded people along the way that have different contacts, and they know things you don’t that they can share with you. It’s kind of like pouring water on a Chia plant; Instant growth! Dream Together!
Take it from an old man with over twenty five years of experience. The old method isn’t worth it. Network Network Network. Share what you know, and know what you share. Sweet dreams!!!!!!
My name is J. Grady and I approve this message.