The Dream Graveyard
What does a graveyard look like? It's a place of worldly finality. A dark isolated spot where things are buried, covered up, smothered and fried, and more times than not forgotten. The dream graveyard is very similar. It's a place where aspirations, inspirations, hopes, visions and great ideas have been thrown away to live out life unfulfilled. Sounds gloomy, doesn't it? It does not have to be. It could be inspiring, life changing, as well as hope inducing, and very effective in bringing exciting benefits to the world.
This imaginary place we're speaking of is unbelievably packed with lost causes. The good news is, it doesn't have to be! You see, most of those holes would never be filled if we learned the basic principal of perseverance. There are as many reasons for broken dreams, as there are types of dreams. We will be speaking specifically to the music entrepreneurs who are on the verge of giving up. In no way is this going to be an exhaustive list! The intention here is to help those visionaries who are on the verge of throwing in the towel. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of dreamers ready to give up. If you're in that group, you are not alone!!
Perseverance:S teadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
First, lets talk about difficulty. My friends, don't be so simple minded as to think that for one second anything in the music business is easy! Simple: easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty. One of the biggies that stops some people in their tracks is when they enter into this business, and realize how competitive it is, they become overwhelmed with fear and give up. Fear is a big one! We all have fear, you just can't let it control you. If you do you will never succeed.
With that being said, let me give you some tools that are proven to help you overcome.
1). I cannot tell you how important it is to surround yourself with people who believe in you, and that you trust and can confide in.
2). Get rid of the naysayers!!!!! Don't listen to those losers that tell you you can't succeed! You have a dream, live it!
I could write a book about this topic, and probably will. However this is a blog. So, I will end this with a few final thoughts and quotes:
-- "Don't quit before the miracle happens".
-- "What if your ship came in the day after you quit".