February 9, 2012

The Battle of Blankets !!!!!!!

The Battle of Blankets

   One of the hardest things I have to do everyday is get out of bed.  I'm sure some of you struggle with that also.  I call it the battle of blankets!  This business we're in can be emotionally draining.  It can kick the mud out of you, if you let it.  The key is, don't let it!  Easier said than done.  I believe the harder you work the luckier you get.

Really, if you don't have those two ingredients, and talent, get a job!  You may be thinking I'm sounding tough.  Wait until you get into the music business, then you'll see tough!  Most of the great industrialists of the world will tell you, there are 3 ingredients to success.

  1. The number one ingredient to be successful is PASSION!
  2. The number two ingredient to be successful is HARD WORK!
  3. Last but not least, PERSEVERANCE!!!!!
If you mix these three ingredients in the music pot, you are almost guaranteed success.  If you don't, you are certainly doomed for failure!

To quote one of my favorite industrialists and motivators, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
"The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night."

Once again, we all need each other on this journey.  We need encouragement just as much as we need a helping hand!  Lift your brothers up!  Help them realize their dream, and you will surely find yours along the way!!!!!!!!!!

February 6, 2012

Free Download sites getting nailed by the FBI. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

   Free music download sites are getting nailed by the Government!!!!  It's about time.  I feel I can speak on behalf of all of those who make a living from music sales.  We have been molested by all these thieves stealing our music, and for the Arts to continue to thrive we must join together and put an end to these creeps!!!!!.  Would you like to know what I really think?  The music industry is reeling from a severe loss in revenues over the last decade.  I personally am ready to see the record labels get their just desserts.  They have taken advantage of Artists and Writers long enough.  The digital age is here, and it's here to stay.  The world wide web is a great tool to even the playing field for Artists and Writers.  The sad thing is, there's always those out there looking for a way to get over. 
    Did you know you can make the same amount a gold record would make being on a label, (500,000) by selling 75,000 as an independent.  Surprised?  Most people are.  Let's say you're a new artist, and you've invested your last dime on your project, and and now you're working your butt off to make a living.  Now Joe-Blow - free download comes along and gives your music away, for free.  Are you OK WITH THAT?  I'm not!  There is lobbying in Washington going on as we speak to allow this to happen.  There is also lobbying going on to prevent this unethical practice from happening.  Get involved, let your congressional representatives know how you feel.  In politics, always, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  Squeak, squeak. squeak!!!!!!!!!!  Write blogs, tweet it, Facebook it!!! All we're asking for is the right to our own personal intellectual property.
   This is a short blog.  I think I've made my point, so I will end with this.  There are three kinds of people in this world:
1.Those  who make things happen. 
2. Those who watch things happen. 
3. And those who wonder what happen after it happened.

Ask yourself. which one am I?
                                 Good writing
                                 J. Grady

February 2, 2012


The Dream Graveyard

What does a graveyard look like?  It's a place of worldly finality.  A dark isolated spot where things are buried, covered up, smothered and fried, and more times than not forgotten.  The dream graveyard is very similar.  It's a place where aspirations, inspirations, hopes, visions and great ideas have been thrown  away to live out life unfulfilled.  Sounds gloomy, doesn't it?  It does not have to be.  It could be inspiring, life changing, as well as hope inducing, and very effective in bringing exciting benefits to the world.
This imaginary place we're speaking of is unbelievably packed with lost causes.  The good news is, it doesn't have to be!  You see, most of those holes would never be filled if we learned the basic principal of perseverance.  There are as many reasons for broken dreams, as there are types of dreams.  We will be speaking specifically to the music entrepreneurs who are on the verge of giving up.  In no way is this going to be an exhaustive list!  The intention here is to help those visionaries who are on the verge of throwing in the towel.  There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of dreamers ready to give up.  If you're in that group, you are not alone!!

Perseverance:  Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. 
First, lets talk about difficulty.  My friends, don't be so simple minded as to think that for one second anything in the music business is easy!  Simple:  easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.  One of the biggies that stops some people in their tracks is when they enter into this business, and realize how competitive it is, they become overwhelmed with fear and give up.  Fear is a big one!  We all have fear, you just can't let it control you.  If you do you will never succeed.  

With that being said, let me give you some tools that are proven to help you overcome. 
1). I cannot tell you how important it is to surround yourself with people who believe in you, and that you trust and can confide in. 
2). Get rid of the naysayers!!!!!  Don't listen to those losers that tell you you can't succeed!  You have a dream, live it!

I could write a book about this topic, and probably will.  However this is a blog.  So, I will end this with a few final thoughts and quotes:
-- "Don't quit before the miracle happens". 
-- "What if your ship came in the day after you quit". 
 There will be times when you will want to give up, and throw in the towel.  But, you have to keep going if you want to succeed.  "Winners never quit, and quitters never win".  So hold your head up high, push into God, and win the prize!!!  Lastly, you've gotta be tough!!!!!!!!!!

January 30, 2012

Dreaming Together

Today I am going to write a blog that I’m sure some will think is preposterous, and will shrug it off. But before you do, please read the entire article. There are 2 ways to do the music business:

1) The slow way: It takes years and years of being alone, hard knocks, door knocks, and unreturned calls and then if you're lucky you may find success. 
2) The accelerated method: You will still have to do a lot of the above. The difference is you won't be doing it alone, and it will be so much more enjoyable, plus you will reach your destination much quicker and arrive fulfilled.
I remember the beginning of my journey into music land, some 25+ years ago when my favorite song was me me me. Everything I did was for me and about me. The word narcissist comes to mind. Well, after a lot of hard knocks and head banging and broken relationships, I arrived at my destination. However, when I got there I was all alone, and an empty vessel. Believe me it’s not worth it. How can you be at the top of your industry and be miserable? Try my old method it works great!
 So you're thinking, what is this new method? It’s very simple! The quickest road to success is helping someone else get there. How so you may ask? I’m glad you asked! Remember, “Dream Together”. The road to success can be very challenging and lonely. Doing it by yourself is brutal! So don’t!
 Here’s the deal. Everyone has something to offer, no matter where you are in the continuum. As you begin your journey you will start meeting like minded associates. If you share freely with them, they will begin sharing freely with you. You will make friends that you can walk together with on your journey. They will meet other like minded people along the way that have different contacts, and they know things you don’t that they can share with you. It’s kind of like pouring water on a Chia plant; Instant growth! Dream Together!
Take it from an old man with over twenty five years of experience. The old method isn’t worth it. Network Network Network. Share what you know, and know what you share. Sweet dreams!!!!!!

My name is J. Grady and I approve this message.

January 28, 2012

No stake in the ground -- No steak for you!

No stake = No steak!  In other words, if you don't have a plan, to quote the soup Nazi: "No soup for you"! So many times I speak with upcoming Artists and all they have is a dream to offer.  The problem with that is, that's usually all it winds up to be; a dream.  Sad but true.  Most of us creative types love the dream, we just don't seem to love to plan for the dream.  You may have heard the old adage, "shoot for the moon and if you miss you will wind up among the stars".  In this case, if you shoot for the moon without a plan and miss, you will wind up in the toilet.
So my point here is start with a plan and set your path.  Follow your path, and if you've done due diligence with passion and persistence and the right information, you will hit your moon.  Now all of us don't have the skills to set a stake, create a business plan and follow it.  This is why we need to employ others to help us.  I use the term employ loosely.  We employ our friends, we network, and sometimes we have to pay others to help us.  One good way to get info is to find a reputable professional association to join, they're not that expensive and can give you real bang for the buck in the long haul.
One of the best ways to cut your costs is to do as much of the work as you can yourself.  The internet is a great tool.  There is one Caveat with the internet.  That is, there are many snakes out there wanting to take your money.  Though you think you might be too smart for them, believe me.  There are many slick CROOKS, if you will, out there that can get into your pocket before you know it.  Do your due diligence, research research research.  This is one reason you need to be a member of a reputable Professional association.
We at AMP really want to see everyone become successful.  We encourage everyone to follow their dream.  Put your stake in the ground, follow your plan and stick to it.  Network Network Network, and good dreaming!!!!!!!! 
This is J.Grady president and founder of AMP, and I approve this message!!!