January 8, 2013

Amp Academy sample videos

Here are a few of the sample videos from AMP Academy.

This is a very small sample of what we're offering.  We will be covering recording as well as live sound engineering, with text as well as video.

Other topics will be, but not limited to-

  • Song writing
  • Guitar
  • Drums
  • Management
  • Social Media 
  • Piano  
  • Webinars, Seminars ,Podcast
  • And much much more

Click on myamp.org to check us out

All classes will be taught by seasoned professionals.
 Don't forget discounts on music equipment and networking with the pros!!!!!!!!

January 2, 2013

How to write a great song

How to write a great song

I was looking for a topic to blog on ; so I went to my trusty friend Facebook to solicit ideas. Someone said," write a blog on how to write a great song". I found the question very stimulating, as well as exhausting. How do you write a great song? This is not a rhetorical question, I'm asking you, how do you write a great song. I'm not sure if I even know what a great song is. I do know what an awful song is; I think?

I can tell you how to write a song, I teach that everyday. I have worked with new songwriters that have gone on to write a number of hits. I bet you none of them could tell you how to write a great song. However, I do think great songs come out of passion and experience, and when you express your ideas clearly great things can, and do come out of it.

Don't strive to write a great song. Strive to write an honest song, and great things can happen. If your striving to write hits, your striving for the wrong thing. If your striving to touch hearts, your heading in the right direction for great things to occur.

So my advice is; be honest, not contrived, learn your craft, and write , write write. My name is Grady and I approve this message.

December 31, 2012

Mayan calendar says music ends in 2013

The end of music

Yes it's true, music will end in 2013. There will be no more songs, singers, writers, musicians, concerts. dancers, videos etc. Radio stations will shut down, MTV, will become a shopping network, tour busses will be sold to old folk homes, music instruments will be scrapped to make cell phones, groupies will start following computer geeks. Yes the world will no longer exist as we know it.

Ok that's not totally true. However the music business will never be the same. Radio is changing their formats, record labels are shrinking, The digital age is driving a new vehicle to promote more creativity and diversity in how music is made and distributed. We welcome this new change and look forward to seeing what this new generation is going to do with this opportunity for change.

It's your music, it's your businesses, and it's up to you as to what it will look like in the future. I believe we are going to see a creative revolution like we have not seen in decades. I'm the biggest cheer leader for this new energy. Come join us at myamp.org as we support the revolution.

December 28, 2012

Lost Tunes

Lost Tunes

Lost tunes, or should I say looney Tunes. Why do you think , where do you think your songs go when you post them on i tunes? It's real simple. they going swimming with the other 22 million songs in the river of drowning tunes. How can you save them? I would like to hear your answer. Believe me there is hope, you just have to have the right life preserver.

Simplicity is genius. The answer to this question is not rocket science, nor is it trickery. It's plain old rolling up your sleeves and getting to work. Most people I talk to about this this topic seem to be paralyzed by it's ramifications. Remember when you where a kid how difficult it was to ride a bike? The same goes here, once you learn it's very simple. The one thing you have to remember is if you stop peddling, you will fall. Yes it's that simple!

There are some basic things you need to do to get going, and we want to help you with that. Come join us at myamp.org and see how easy it really is.

December 27, 2012

30 seconds of success

30 seconds

Can you give me 30 seconds of your undivided attention? I truly doubt it. But I will take what I can get.  If you where to talk to a teenager about emails he would probably laugh. He may say something like; like, why not text? Emails are becoming to long for the new generation. It's apparent people are thinking more in bytes than in chunks.

Everyone one wants everything to happen for them now. That's the culture e have created. So, what do we do about it. It's simple, join the party! The music business is no stranger to this way of thinking. The only problem here is there is no 30 second cure, or remedy or a fast track to success. 

How do we join the party? AMP is working very hard on developing a more efficient model  to achieving your goal in all areas of the music industry; BEGINNING WITH THIS BLOG.

We are going to give you smaller bytes to ingest in the coming year. We're cleaning out the fluff closet, and only keeping what is useful to your needs.

To quote a famous philosopher Bill Cosby

The proof is in the pudding