March 15, 2012

Spotify - record labels - it hurts so bad

I'm not sure where the confusion is about this being a totally free service. Where there is smoke there usually is fire! While there is free limited access,  there is and will always be, in a platform like this, enticing upgrade charges, and that's OK. In my opinion there is nothing innovative here. It's just a twist on every other streaming platform out there. I say try them all until you find the one that suits your fancy.
As far as the record labels go; OUCH!! While infringing on their revenue stream, in a small way, the labels do receive a discounted   licensing fee. Another sign of the times!
Spotify the music-streaming service has launched in the United States today.
The concept is simple. You sign up for an account and get access to 15 million songs. Depending on the type of account you have, it will determine if you will get the service ad-free or have unlimited streaming. It will also determine what devices you can share your account across, and how much offline storage you have.
To create playlists, users can drag and drop or right click on tracks. They can also share their playlists through Facebook and Twitter by posting a link instantly from Spotify.
As a cloud music service, Spotify is able to give users access to their playlists from anywhere and also offline. Even if you’re stuck in the subway and there’s no wifi, you can access your Spotify account, so long as you still have battery on your device.
The late arrival of Spotify, a Swedish company, to the U.S. is in part the result of the company wanting to properly establish their service before expanding overseas; getting the license to all the songs, which is usually a lengthy process, was the second reason, and hesitation to license songs on the part of the US music industry may also have contributed.
What Spotify means for the future of the music industry is perhaps not as revolutionary or devastating as the record companies might fear, as similar applications like Pandora have had their wave of success, and the industry is still standing. However, what Spotify adds to the scene is the ability to create a larger global music source.

Please comment and join our email family. Thanks, J. Grady

March 13, 2012



AMP is proud to announce our Co -- alignment with the Ragamuffin music Hall.  We will be Co- hosting a first Sunday inspirational open mike night as well as educational, and invitational events to be announced. Here is a blog From Ashley Harris, one of the owners. Thanks ASH!!!!!
AMP is proud to announce we are Co - aligning with the Ragamuffin music hall for a first Sunday of the month inspirational songwriters open mike night from 7 pm to 10 pm beginning the first Sunday in April.  Get there early to get a spot on the show!  
Ragamuffin Music
585 Atlanta Street, Roswell, GA 30075

Miracles Do Happen !

So, if you think miracles don’t happen, THINK AGAIN! I can speak from a place of authority, because I know firsthand that miracles DO HAPPEN!  This miracle I’m speaking of is not of a supernatural nature, nor is it a result of my extreme goodness, but rather a direct and poignant expression of the truth that GOD IS GOOD!

You see, in order for a miracle to be recognized, you have to first reach rock bottom; whatever that is for you, and let me just say, I was there.  It was April of 2011 and I had just signed divorce papers with my husband of 18 years.  I had no recent work experience, was a mother of three and had no idea how I was going to provide.  Sure, I’d cut 4 records and had taught music lessons from my home for 15 years, but that just wasn’t going to be enough to bring home the bacon.  I started preparing my resume and was looking at working a 9-5 job in some kind of administrative position, which for me felt like the kiss of death.  But, I was desperate and willing to take a job as a front desk receptionist, the same job I had last when I was only 20, if I had to.  Then the miracle showed up.  I received an email from the previous owner of Ragamuffin Music Hall informing me that she wanted to sell the business and felt that God had told her I was the person she should offer it to.  I was ASTOUNDED.  A business up and running for 5 years was dropped in my lap!  One month after signing divorce papers I was a business owner.  Now, how could that be anything but a miracle?  You see, it’s always darkest just before the dawn.  It’s a cliché I know, but it’s true!

On Mother’s Day weekend, May 14, 2011 Ragamuffin Music Hall held its Grand Re-Opening.  It was truly one of the most exciting and fulfilling days of my life.  I was in awe of God’s goodness, humbled at the manifestation of his deep love and concern for me and my well- being along with my children, honored that God would place such an opportunity in my hands.  Tears of gratitude were all I could offer in thanks, stunned at the goodness of God’s love.

Now, let’s back up a year and a half prior to the day I signed divorce papers.  I was busily working away in Nashville on my 4th project and very excited to release my first Country CD.  I had a management team, co-writers, and studio time scheduled with A-list players in Nashville... players who have recorded on projects for artists like Martina McBride, Faith Hill and Amy Grant.  I was on top of the world in my career, but inside I was dying.  I knew my marriage was over.  I was going through the motions holding on for dear life, not knowing how it all was going to play out.  I moved forward the best I could with the release of my album knowing the hard work that went into it; two years of songwriting and pre-production, gigs, website development, shopping producers, networking.  I could see the tornado ahead and didn’t know how to avoid it.  Still, we made arrangements to release my first single and my husband and I went back to marriage counseling, even though we had already had 10 plus years of therapy.  Needless to say we were both in a great deal of pain with no end in sight.  But we had become very good at hiding that pain when we needed to: at church, for the kids and at family reunions and social events.  After all, we had made a promise to God and believed that our personal happiness was not to take precedence over that.

Doors continued to open for my music.  I released an international single and it was doing well. An Atlanta based Clear Channel Country Radio station 94.9 The Bull had been playing my songs on their local show and had chosen me to headline their Christmas benefit concert in Dec of 2009.  A music video was shot free of charge for me from a Nikon rep.  I was meeting with radio promoters looking to start a national radio tour and then the inevitable happened.  The marriage began crumbling at an exponential rate. I believe it is best to take the high road and let God fight your battles.  My ex-husband and I were not to be.  We struggled and struggled in total agony for years cycling in and out of fighting and trying to forgive.  Thoughts of suicide were closing in.  After tremendous soul searching I knew that even God, whom I had made a promise to would not want any of his children to suffer the way we were.  Each day was a literal walk through hell from Nov 2009 up until April 2010 when I finally filed for divorce.  I felt as though my entire life was going down in flames personally, spiritually and professionally.  Being the one to file was a particularly difficult burden.  I felt as though friends and family church members blamed me for “giving up”.  And it got worse, much, much worse.  But God was in the middle of it with me, through it all, every step, good or bad.  Right or wrong.  God was in the middle of my pain.  He never left my side, even when I thought He had.  I know that now.

Remember, that we can’t recognize a miracle until things get so bad, so broken, so burned out that we see no other solution than to throw up our hands in surrender and throw ourselves at the mercy of God.  The lines of a popular Christian song by Chris Tomlin comes to mind: “We raise a white flag; we surrender all to You, all for You”.  That’s when the miracles come.  Yes, that was plural… MIRACLES.  When we surrender and trust God, miracles come, because God is Good.  God not only had plans to help me re-build my professional life, he also had plans to bless my personal and spiritual life by sending me true love.  In September of 2011 I married Greg Gronholm.  We met at Ragamuffin Music Hall.

So, needless to say I’ve been a little busy over the past two years, recovering from a divorce, learning a new business and getting re-married.  Life is full of new challenges and beautiful moments.  The term “blended families” has taken on new meaning for me and turning a profit with a new business was harder than I thought it would be.  I had expected to walk into a thriving business but instead found it needed to be re-built from the ground up.  Over the past year I have focused my energy my family and running Ragamuffin while still performing as much as I could with my new husband Greg.  It’s been an exciting and challenging year.  I am happy to report that in Feb of 2012 Ragamuffin Music Hall finally turned a profit!  Hallelujah!  Additionally, all my three children adore their new step father and I feel loved on a level I didn’t believe was possible.  God is Good!

I love the scripture, “Trust God. Doubt Not. Fear Not.”  Easier said then done, but do it anyway!  You won’t be disappointed!  One step at a time; that is how we re-build our lives.  You may feel like you’re climbing up a coliseum but keep going!  Don’t stop!  You want to reach the top where you can breathe in the fresh air and see the beautiful skyline.  If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that nothing comes easily.  No one is an overnight success.  No one gets the gold without paying a price.  So, what’s next?  I know the music will come in its due time.  I know that I am where I should be.  I know that I am doing exactly what is right for me in this moment.  One day at a time.  My goal is simply to focus each day on being grateful, trying my best to do God’s Will and to live in His favor.  I think I’ll let God take care of the rest.

Ashley Harris



We are very excited over the response we're getting to our blog. The comments and kudos have been great!  Our goal in writing this blog is to give you the information you need to equip your tool box to move forward in your career.  This is a very complicated industry.  We want to provide you with the most current and accurate information available.  However we need your help!

Please comment on these blogs so we will know if we're hitting the mark or not.  We also need your input.  If you have any questions concerning the music industry, please let us know.  We will do our best to get the answers you desire ASAP.

Send questions to:

Thanks and good sailing! J.Grady Shuman
president and founder of



Do you need a record deal? With everyone talking about how much the music industry is "changing" these days, many musicians wonder if they really need to worry about demos and labels any more, or if all of that traditional music business stuff is just so passe. In fact, you've probably heard a lot of people tell you that you definitely DON'T need a label - that labels are only taking a cut of your earnings for something that you could be doing by yourself anyway. The truth really isn't quite that easy.
First - yes, you CAN release your record yourself. There are more avenues than ever before for indie music in general, and that means musicians have a better shot at success with a self release now. But make no mistake about it - there's nothing especially revolutionary in the model of self releasing your record. You're not "skipping" the record label - you're really starting a record label. If you're serious about selling your music and trying to make a living, then you are going to have to do nearly everything a record label would have done in the old days- both in terms of work and finances. It just does not cost as much.  The better question isn't whether you need a label - really, you don't - but whether or not you are ready, willing and able to do everything involved in running your own label.
I can't say this too many times. If you don't have the passion and drive to do the work, don't go there. If you can't take rejection, don't go there. If you're in a hurry, forget it! This is not a sprint, it's a marathon. But, if you have the talent, and perseverance , you have as good a chance as anyone.
One of my favorite quotes is; "The heights by great men were not attained by sudden flight -- but they, while their companions slept, toiled upward in the night."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

March 12, 2012

Did You Know? 2010 Was the Worst Decline EVER for the Concert Industry...

It's worse than you think. "2010... was the single largest year-over-year decline in the history of the live event business, straight up, in the 35 year history of Ticketmaster and I think anywhere else," said Ticketmaster CEO Nathan Hubbard in a weekend interview with Topspin head Ian Rogers.  "You have to take a step back and say, 'why? what is the fan telling us that isn't right about the business?'"        
Is this simply becoming a broken model?  Indeed, a look at Live Nation's financials shows the dramatic plunge, with 2008 also offering a catastrophic free-fall (left axis in millions). 

In the interview, Hubbard pointed to a number of sticky problems.  "We've got a fan experience problem, first and foremost. There are things about buying the ticket that suck.  There are things about going to the show that suck."   
But pricing may be the bigger - and primary - culprit.  "The compound annual growth rate for ticket prices has been 5-8 percent, since the beginning of time - so it's just continued to inch up, and the decline in recorded music sales accelerated that for sure," Hubbard continued.  "Price is still an issue for fans."

 What a great time for the entrepreneur! If the concert industry follows suit with the record industry, they will change only as a last result. The cool thing is, the public is waking up, and getting tired of being railroaded. As more and more people get tired of the insanely high prices, and stop attending concerts, new doors will open for the concert goers.
The entrepreneur , will see the value, and new and smaller venues that are more user friendly will open up and draw the unhappy concert goers. Don't think for a minute this is not going to happen. It already is! The smaller venue owners are going to have to change their way of thinking, and begin catering to the new breed of concert goers.If will happen sooner if we all band together and stop supporting the gougers.
Please comment and join us on FB, and twitter. Also join me at Grady Shuman on FB. Thanks, J.Grady