February 28, 2011

Is writing a great song enough?

Wouldn't it be nice if every great song got recorded, played on the radio, and the whole world sung along?  That's a nice thought but nowhere near reality. I was a staff writer in Nashville for over 15 years and I've got to tell you some of the best songs I ever heard never got heard, much less recorded. Just writing songs is great if you have a publisher who is beating the pavement and is really aggressive. However, that's the exception, not the rule. Most publishers that are successful have anywhere from 5 to 10 writers on staff. Each writer has a catalog and is writing new stuff continually. The old gets old the new gets lost and how songs finally get cut is a mystery to us all. Or is it?
Network network net work work work work! We will be talking in the upcoming webinar Evolution of a Song about ways of increasing your chances of getting your hit recorded. There is so much more to writing a song and doing a demo to complete the process than most know. I hope you can join us in our webinar.

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