If you have plans to pursue a career as a song writer you must understand the importance and theory of a hook. Below, I will explain the basics on how the chorus of a song are tied together. While this is not exhaustive it will surely get you off to a good start.
It is vitally important if you plan on being a professional writer for you to understand how to write to the hook. If you think you will be inspired each time you sit down to write a song; I will sell you the Holy Grail real cheap. Stay tuned in an upcoming blog I will share one of the secrets of the pros that will send you on your way. Good writing!!!!!!!
The chorus and the hook are the most important elements in a good song. They are the heart of the song and form the basis for the rest of the song. They are what the listener will remember after hearing your song.
The hook provides the main idea that the songwriter wants to convey to the listener, while the chorus summarizes the song. Once you have written the hook and the chorus, you will be able to write verses that build on the ideas and emotions that you wish to convey.
The chorus reinforces the main point and the general mood of the song by means of repetition and high energy level. The chorus has the highest energy level of all the parts of the song - it is the loudest, highest-pitched and most emotional part of the song.
Be careful that your chorus is not too vague or too drawn out.
Although the song's title does not have to be included in the chorus, including the title in the chorus can help you to write the chorus. The title can be the basis for the lyrics of the chorus.
The hook is the phrase in a song that tells the listener what the song is all about.
It is the most memorable part of the song - the part that gets "stuck in your head" and that people will find themselves singing or humming.
If you are listening to a song for the first time, it won't take you very long to recognize the hook.
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