March 1, 2011

Want to be the organ grinders monkey?

What's it like in the traditional sense of having a record deal? It's very much like being the organ grinder's monkey. He turns the crank and you dance. What happened to the days of being an artist that is true to self? Have we lost our identity along the way? I think identity has been lost at the price of fame and fortune. We at want to be a part of bridging the gap towards bringing the spirit of the creative artist back to the front. Have you heard the term cookie cutter, or everything sounds the same? God did not give us talent to be like everyone else. He created us to be individuals. Do you want to be a part of bringing individual creativity back? If so come join us at  as we begin to bridge the gap.

February 28, 2011

Is writing a great song enough?

Wouldn't it be nice if every great song got recorded, played on the radio, and the whole world sung along?  That's a nice thought but nowhere near reality. I was a staff writer in Nashville for over 15 years and I've got to tell you some of the best songs I ever heard never got heard, much less recorded. Just writing songs is great if you have a publisher who is beating the pavement and is really aggressive. However, that's the exception, not the rule. Most publishers that are successful have anywhere from 5 to 10 writers on staff. Each writer has a catalog and is writing new stuff continually. The old gets old the new gets lost and how songs finally get cut is a mystery to us all. Or is it?
Network network net work work work work! We will be talking in the upcoming webinar Evolution of a Song about ways of increasing your chances of getting your hit recorded. There is so much more to writing a song and doing a demo to complete the process than most know. I hope you can join us in our webinar.