September 26, 2011

What can we do to help the Christian music community?

If  U2 and Chris Tomlin were in concert on the same night, who would have the most Christians at their concert?  Sadly for the Christian community, the answer is U2.  I'm in no way saying not to support your favorite secular group; this is just an example.  There is story after story where concerts are canceled or the turn out was so poor everyone involved lost money.  I'm not attempting to guilt anyone into supporting Christian music!  Hopefully you will be convicted in your heart to support your local groups as well as national ones.

One of  AMP's strong desires is to create awareness and provide venues for all of the talented musicians in the Christian music industry.  We are losing young talented Christians to the secular market place due to the lack of support from the Church.  Remember we are the Church, it must start with us!  Lack of interest = lack of opportunity = lost talent.  So what do we do?  I'm going to give you some suggestions.  Be creative!!!!

  1. Offer a weekly or monthly venue at your Church.  Too many Churches are closed and not being encouraged to use their capacity.  Are we getting lazy?  Complacent?
  2. Support your local musicians by attending their shows and buying their CD's!
  3. Donate to their ministry.  Remember music can minister to people just as much or more than any other ministry in your Church!
  4. Encourage them.  This is a tough business.  We lose many to discouragement.  
  5. Pray for them.

God loves Holy music; Let's show him we do too!!!!!!!!!!

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