January 15, 2013

How to write a great song part 2

The response I got to, How to write a great song, was overwhelming. Man people have opinions, and so do I. I guess that makes me a people. So I say let's keep this going for one more round. So if you feel like a rabbit jump.

What if I where to say your all wrong? What if I was to say there are no great songs; only songs? No you can't have my address. Who is in charge of the great song committee! Is there a committee? What I think is a great song may be a stinker to the next guy. What you think is a great song , I may think it's a bomb. So now what? Just saying.

Can't you feel the brew stirring? I can. Nothing I'm saying is anymore than an opinion. You can not cash it in at the bank or trade it for a new guitar. So what do we do with it? Don't say that it's not nice.

Let's all write our best and believe every song we write is great. If you believe what your writing is crap, what's that all about. Do your best, work your hardest, and write write write,

Here's the answer to  the mystery  of how to write a great song. The answer is -SOMEHOW!. GOOD LUCK i HOPE YOU ALL WRITE GREAT SONGS!

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