OK, you asked.
For the past four years, American Idol has had a white streak of winners.
Four white males in a row. Its hard to believe. As a white male myself,
I suppose I’m happy for these guys, but I am ready for something new
and I think America is too. In 2008, record sales for David Cook were
an impressive 280,000 in his first week, placing at No. 3 on the Billboard Charts.
The next year the humble Kris Allen came out of the box selling 80,000 records in
performed Jennifer Hudson’s “You Pulled Me Through,” receiving a standing
ovation from the judges. He’s got a gift that really sets him apart and I hope he
makes it to the finals. Another early stand out this year is the
sweet and humble Hollie Cavanagh who took on the challenge
of singing “Reflection” by Christina Aguillera.
Her early elimination before the viewer-voting rounds last season left
the then-17 year old in tears. Jennifer Lopez predicted a year ago that
if young Cavanagh returned, she could come out on top. This past week
Lopez reiterated her prediction and said that she stands by it, telling
Cavanagh that she is “going to be one of our front runners.”
Its an exciting and new year. I love American Idol and I love
watching live performances. That being said, I’m ready for
some variety, for some different looks and some different talent
to really sweep it away this year. Here’s to hoping America
votes that way too :)
Jacob Burton
For the past four years, American Idol has had a white streak of winners.
Four white males in a row. Its hard to believe. As a white male myself,
I suppose I’m happy for these guys, but I am ready for something new
and I think America is too. In 2008, record sales for David Cook were
an impressive 280,000 in his first week, placing at No. 3 on the Billboard Charts.
The next year the humble Kris Allen came out of the box selling 80,000 records in
performed Jennifer Hudson’s “You Pulled Me Through,” receiving a standing
ovation from the judges. He’s got a gift that really sets him apart and I hope he
makes it to the finals. Another early stand out this year is the
sweet and humble Hollie Cavanagh who took on the challenge
of singing “Reflection” by Christina Aguillera.
Her early elimination before the viewer-voting rounds last season left
the then-17 year old in tears. Jennifer Lopez predicted a year ago that
if young Cavanagh returned, she could come out on top. This past week
Lopez reiterated her prediction and said that she stands by it, telling
Cavanagh that she is “going to be one of our front runners.”
Its an exciting and new year. I love American Idol and I love
watching live performances. That being said, I’m ready for
some variety, for some different looks and some different talent
to really sweep it away this year. Here’s to hoping America
votes that way too :)
Jacob Burton