July 19, 2012


I have been blessed with the opportunity to write a new book. A dear friend, Lanier Cordell suggested the above title.  Please comment and vote on the title.  This book is for you.  My goal is to pack this book with valuable experience driven information that will help you achieve your goal in an ever changing business.  I hope to hear from you and get your truly valuable input as I'm writing this book. Who knows, you may be listed as a contributor.  Thanks!

There are many books out there based on academia.  The majority of the book will be driven from experience.  There will be practical tools covering everything from how to enter the business, to how to stay in the business.  What it used to be like to where it's going.  I am going to attempt to keep the jargon short, the fluff minimal, while salted with humor directing you in the future of the business.

A personal passion of mine is to motivate, encourage and mentor anyone with a sincere desire to be successful by doing things the moral, ethical, and right way.  I look forward to hearing from you, and thanks for the huge support for this blog and all your comments.  Keep the night oil burning!!!!!!!

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