September 4, 2012


Understanding the technology of this age is very tantamount to everything you do in the music industry.  Whether you're a writer, publisher, Artist, producer or musician, if you don't have some knowledge of current trends of social media marketing and the digital world your chances are slim at succeeding in this fast pace world.

Here's an excerpt from my new book coming out soon:

This is a key development that will nurture new forms of entrepreneurship, education and group work.  Coincidentally, I spent the day with a group of techs, engineers and programmers working on a project for AMP. (The Association of Music Professionals). We were working on a membership software solution to manage content for AMP.  I was amazed as I listened to these highly trained professionals talking about all the changes coming up.  They stated that they launched a new change in their product every two weeks.  My point is, you must keep abreast of technology if you plan on living in this business.  It’s not a suggestion it’s a requirement.

They say there’s no point beating a dead horse; well I have my stick out and might as well use it.  Are you investing in your tech knowledge?  If you're serious about being in this business you must ask yourself; how much of myself am I willing to invest?  Do I really have the passion, the drive, am I willing to sacrifice?  The reason I‘m asking you repeatedly is I don’t want to see you waking up in a few years regretting your decision.  I see people dropping out every day, and it is very sad.  Don’t be another fatality!  Take this as seriously as you would crossing a busy intersection; remember this is your life.  One of the attitudes I see regularly from people coming into the business is, the insiders know all the secrets.  That’s just not the truth.  The truth is there are no secrets.  Have you heard of the web?  Talk to it, ask it questions, it will steer you to the answers.  Please don’t let that attitude be yours.

Here’s a quick summary of this chapter;
1.There’s a new way of doing things.
2.Technology is moving fast.
3. Learn the latest trends.
4. Be sure this is the direction you want to head in.
5. Work hard – Get up early - Stay up late.
6. The most important thing is to invest in yourself.

August 31, 2012

Music business moving at the speed of light

I just finished writing an article on the  new stuff that's happening in the digital world. Later in the day I had a meeting with some tech folks. Here's my take-away.

Coincidentally, I spent the day with a group of techs, engineers and programmers working on a project for AMP. (The Association of Music Professionals). We were working on a membership software solution to manage content for AMP.  I was amazed as I listened to these highly trained professionals talking about all the changes coming up.  They stated that they launched a new change in their product every two weeks.  My point is, you must keep abreast of technology if you plan on living in this business.  It’s not a suggestion, it’s a requirement.

They say there’s no point beating a dead horse; well I have my stick out and might as well use it.  Are you investing in your tech knowledge?  If you're serious about being in this business you must ask yourself; how much of myself am I willing to invest?  Do I really have the passion, the drive, am I willing to sacrifice?  The reason I‘m asking you repeatedly is I don’t want to see you waking up in a few years regretting your decision.  I see people dropping out every day, and it is very sad.  Don’t be another fatality!  Take this as seriously as you would crossing a busy intersection; remember this is your life.
One of the attitudes I see regularly from people coming into the business is, the insiders know all the secrets.  That’s just not the truth.  The truth is there are no secrets.  Have you heard of the web?  Talk to it, ask it questions, it will steer you to the answers.  Please don’t let that attitude be yours.

August 30, 2012

# 1 mistake writers make/and more

Being in the music business for many years has given me some insight on some of the personal habits of musicians.  Some of those habits are quite quirky and worthy of a laugh.  Then there are those habits that are sad.  Some of these habits can cost them their careers.  One of the most annoying traits inherent is being tardy.  When I was in school, if you were tardy, you were sent to the principal's office and you were in big trouble.  I spent a lot of time there, and because of that I am always on time.  Not being on time shows disrespect for others.  Not a good way to make a good impression.  OK, I had to get that off my chest.


Believe it or not it's education.  I don't mean you have to have a masters or PHD.  I am simply talking about taking the time to learn the business of your career.  While there is some that see the value in this effort, most don't even take the time to look.  In today's world of the web, there is no excuse for lack of knowledge.  Everything you need to know is out there.  You just need to get off your lazy butt and get it.  With knowledge, passion, effort, and talent, you will succeed.  I will list some building blocks below of some of the things you need to do to get started.  While not an exhaustive list, it will get you started.

1. Start with a plan-- If you don't know where you're going, how will you get there? This is the # 1 reason most people fail is the lack of planning.

2. Networking - Important beyond your imagination.

3. Social media - You must know how to navigate this world in order to succeed.

4. Publishing and how it works.  If you don't understand this part of the business, you will lose your rear.

5. Booking -- Another need to know and understand

6. Contracts -- History will tell you why you need this knowledge.

7. Management -- Ask the New Kids On The Block why you need this.

8. Demo process -- You can waste a lot of money if you don't understand this process

9. Producing - Another valuable tool

10. Your craft  -- Need I say more?

The best way to learn the business is to learn from those who have been successful in the business.  Going to music business school or reading everything you can about the business, IS GREAT and needed.  However all the schooling and reading in the world will never totally prepare you for what it's really like in the real world.  Reputable Professional Associations are one of the most valuable tools you can use.

Naive - extremely simple and trusting – We would all like to believe that everyone is looking out for our best interest.  The fact is they're not.  We are going to assume you are a writer and you’ve written a hit, and now you're ready to pitch your baby to the music world.  Are you really ready?  I’m going to give you a list of questions you should be able to answer if you’re truly ready.
1.   Have you had your song reviewed by a professional?
2.   Do you really know what kind of demo you need?  Most writers assume they do.
3.   Do you really understand the copyright process?
4.   Do you know where to pitch it?
5.   Do you understand publishing?
6.   Have you signed up with a PRO?
7.   Do you know what a pitch sheet is?
8.   Have you networked to make contacts in the industry?

If you have answered yes to all of the above then I think it would be safe to say, you may be ready.  If you could not answer yes to the above questions, then you need to back up, and regroup.  You may be thinking I don’t have time to learn all that stuff.  The reality is you don’t have time not to.  Remember, miss a step and it will bite you where?  Adolescent writers will get spanked in this business, and sent to time out, so put all the bullets in your gun before you shoot, it’s just safer that way.  I love mixed metaphors don’t you?  This book is not intended to do the work for you.  My intention is to point you in the right direction and send you off.  However, I would like to throw in a little basic songwriting jargon, and some professional songwriting shortcuts.

August 29, 2012


Hear is a taste of Chapter 8 of my new book: The Ugly Truth of the Music Business / A Survivors Guide.

Chapter 8
Songwriting is the Genesis of the music business.  Nothing could happen in this industry without the Songwriter.  There would be no record labels, publishers, managers, or for that fact the music industry would not exist. 
I have been a publisher and writer for over 20+ years and this topic is very dear to my heart.  I was very fortunate to have signed a publishing deal very early in my career.  During my years as a writer and publisher in Nashville I had the opportunity to write with some of the best writers in the world as well as some of the worst; both were of equal value.  I found that knowing what not to do is just as important as learning what to do.  It’s like playing in a band; knowing when not to play is just as important as knowing when to play.  The same goes for the songwriting business.  I can’t emphasize how important it is to understand the business side of this craft.  If you are not armed with the proper knowledge of this business you are doomed to what I call “Parasitical Rhythms”.  It’s like the attack of the southern mosquito, they will suck the blood out of you if you're not armed with some repellant.  In this case your repellant is knowledge.

I am blessed to be the President and Founder of AMP (THE ASSOCIATION OF MUSIC PROFESSIONALS).  AMP is a Professional membership association that trains, educates and mentors those with an interest in the music industry.  This fast growing Association was born out of the desire to protect songwriters from the snakes and landmines of this treacherous business.  We will be covering the do’s, don'ts and better nots.  As with everything we teach at AMP we always begin with preparation, and this is no different.
Preparation -- readiness -softening approach to dissonance.
I encourage you to write, write, and write.  While simultaneously learning the business side, if you don’t your chances of getting eaten by the 3 headed parasitacyclops is certain to happen.

August 27, 2012



Welcome to Monday morning. I thought I would start my week off with a little different approach than normal. Normally I will begin with a blog about something that is music business minded.  It is very easy for us to forget the most important tool of all, and that is: feeding our state of mind, body and spiritual center.  What is your first thought as you begin your week? I bet you can relate to some of these.

How am I going to accomplish all the tasks I need to do this week? It's overwhelming. 

I don't know if I'm capable of doing all that is required of me.

I don't want to go to work.

Will I make enough money to meet my needs.

Oh no, I have to deal with him again.

Boy I dread that meeting.

I'm going to let him or her have it!

Rush hour *(^*&^%#

Is it Friday yet?

Well , we all have these random thoughts and more.  You're not alone.  What are some of yours?
It is very common to start the day with a host of thoughts that are trying to steal your joy.  This is where the work begins for your week.  The way you start your week could very well be the way you end it. 

Are we victims of our thoughts?  Do you allow your thoughts to hold you captive?  Do your thoughts control your attitude?  Does fear keep you from your dream, or does your dream keep you from your fear?

Here's an idea; let's take our thoughts back.  Wouldn't it be great if we could control our thoughts, instead of allowing our thoughts to control us?  Well, you can if you're willing to do the work.

I have to work extra hard to keep my thoughts at bay.  I begin my day the night before.  When I was a kid my Dad would take me fishing.  This was one of the most enjoyable and exciting things I remember as a child.  This was the cats meow.  When I lay down at night, I begin working on the next day.  I remember those times going fishing with my Dad, and the anticipation of the next day, and what is was like.  I could hardly sleep.  I begin my mindset with the memories of those times and look forward to going fishing the next day.  I can't wait to threw my line in the water and see what I'm going to catch.  That's how I begin by day, that is, after I hit my knees and pray.  I'm just saying it takes work and planning to succeed in this challenging business.  I will promise you this, it's worth it.

Remember your part of the music business.  Invest in yourself, as much as you invest in the stuff, and you will be amazed at the ROI-- Return on your investment.