July 1, 2011

The ART IN MUSIC. Is it lost???????

Is the ART of music lost???? Absolutely not! However, there is the money machine driving the prefabricated commercial pod auto-tuned synthesized sound that is making millions for them. We know who they are; right? This money driven machine makes it nearly impossible for the true artist to get a break and be heard by the masses.
Now we have to ask ourselves, where are we in this picture? Then do some serious soul searching and ask, why do we create music? Is it for fame, fortune, or for the Art? If you answered the first two, you are a true blue member of the machine. There's nothing wrong with that, this exercise is just to help you find your place in all the madness.
Remember there will always be Art in music and it has nothing to do with mass appeal or what others do. We should not begrudge or become jealous or resentful of the machine. Just remember this ART comes from the heart, not the wallet. J. Grady Pres. and Founder of AMP The Association Of Music Professionals.

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