August 9, 2012


Here is an unedited excerpt from chapter 6 of my new book coming out soon. Read it - think about it- answer the question at the end. I would love to hear your thoughts.



1.   Something built or erected
2.   System of parts
3.   Way that parts link or function
4.   Part of an organism 

Something built or erected:
As we begin to build an interdependent label we must first get rid of the idea, that the old way of thinking, that everything must be our idea, and ours alone, is void.  We need to switch to a Collaborative Building Ethic.

Collaborative Building Ethic – This is a process characterized by building on your ideas, along with other ideas, one idea sparking another, increasing the strength of the foundation of your original idea, thus the beginning of building a stronger and richer foundation.

   System of parts:
What if you purchased a new car with all the cool options available, but the one option you didn’t get was the transmission?  You could sit there, blast your state of the art audio system, watch a DVD, accelerate the engine, recline in your luxury seats and chill.  The only problem is, without a transmission you would not be able to go anywhere.  In other words you must have all of the parts for your machine to function properly.

Way that parts link or function:
OK, lets say you now have all the parts for our brand new fancy car.  We got a brand new transmission and we’re ready to go. So, you reach down into your pocket, pull out the keys, and stick them into the gas tank.  You’re shocked, what happened? This is a brand new car, and you scream in total shock, why want it start?  You’re immediately enraged and your ready to take it back to the dealer and give him a piece of your mind.  It’s the same thing in the music business.  You must understand how all the parts work together in order to understand the sum of the part you play.  You don’t have to be an expert in every area, but you must have a general understanding of all the pieces.  Do your homework.

Part of an organism – system of interdependent parts:
It is key that you understand how being a part of a living organism applies to being a part of the music world.  If you cut your heart out you will surely die.  If you severed your legs you could not walk.  Need I go on?  The biggest misnomer I have witnessed in this industry is how so many people have severed themselves from the body in the name of success.  How did we become so blind in an industry that claims to be based on creativity passion and love?  I will leave this up to you to answer.

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